Don Bosco High School, Hojai

Archbishop’s Message

Archbishop John Moolachira

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, Peace be with you!

With the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ, I welcome you all to this wonderful Home of Knowledge, Love and Wisdom.

The primary focus of our Catholic education is to train our students to become persons of conscience, competence, compassion and commitment. In that context, I would like to congratulate you for selecting and admitting your child at Don Bosco High school, Hojai where the above qualities are without fail being imparted to your wards. Along with academic excellence where students are trained to understand and analyse the challenges they face in life with critical and creative thinking skills, Don Bosco School, Hojai lays emphasis on fostering human excellence in our students so that they grow in empathy, social responsibility and learn to discern between the good and the bad and grow as persons of great moral and spiritual character. For the last 50 years Don Bosco High School, Hojai has faithfully pursued these goals with single-minded focus, commitment and dedication.

The school curriculum is designed to facilitate intellectual, affective, moral and spiritual growth of each student. Transforming individual persons who in turn initiate the processes of transformation to make this world a better place has been one of the main focuses of education imparted at Don Bosco, Hojai.

Joel Barker has rightly mentioned, “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” We are convinced that the great vision of our school would have remained a mere dream without the support and cooperation of our parents and guardians.

I wish Fr. Michael Bistis, Principal and his team of collaborators, God’s choicest blessings and the strength to continue their journey of imparting quality education that stays true to our tradition while being relevant to the ever changing times.

With the Bountiful Blessings of God,
His Grace Archbishop John Moolachira,
Archbishop of Guwahati